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Does it ever stop hurting?

Basically… yes!

When starting pole fitness, some people are lucky and don’t experience pain on the skin when sitting/climbing etc… however, some people find it initially very painful! Either way is completely normal. When it is painful, you sometimes think ‘this is never going to get better I can’t stand the pulling/pinching’ but I promise you, wish consistency, it will stop.

Consistency is key! Even if you push yourself that little bit more even once per class, it will slowly improve. If you avoid what hurts, it will never improve.

The most sensitive areas usually are the backs of knees, inside of the elbow, inner thighs and front of your shin, but other areas can sometimes pinch too! Luckily, these common areas are used the most therefore will become ‘desensitised’ quicker.

If you choose to avoid painful moves, this can hold you back with progressing in certain areas, and you don’t want to do that! Now I am not saying push yourself until you are in agony, that isn’t the aim, but to push past the pain a little each time, will make it improve quicker!

How long will it take to stop hurting?

Now everyone is different, it may take some people a couple of weeks but equally it may take months, it depends on the person and how often/hard to work on it. There are also other factors such as hormones, if it is near that time of the month, your skin can become more sensitive and less tolerant. There is also pain tolerance, you may have a higher or lower pain threshold to the other girls in class. Stress levels play a big part too, if you get annoyed and stressed at the fact its hurting and you’re getting angry with yourself, this can also make it worse! So stay calm! Be calm and consistent, the two c’s. 😊

Why do I bruise more than others?

Bruising, some people bruise like peaches! Which again, is totally normal. It depends on your body’s reaction to damage and how tolerant your skin is. Again fortunately, this will improve over time in the most common used areas like mentioned before. Arnica gel can be used after class on the bruises to help heal them quicker.

There is a ‘sweet spot’ to most moves, once you find it, the pain disappears and it is fabulous!

You just have to work on it, and you will get there I promise!

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